August 25, 2012 was a grand day for
the Zbylot’s. Our children had never had
a puppy before and we had spent almost 9 months praying, researching, and
looking for just the right one. We had
narrowed it down to a miniature female dachshund. Then as we were coming home from my niece’s
third birthday party, we passed two roadside tents selling puppies. As we passed the second one, I told Scott we
should probably turn around and see what they have. Right as I was telling Scott he said that he
was thinking the same thing. This might
not seem out of the ordinary for some people, but we had NEVER stopped to look
at puppies on the side of the road. We
turned around and was going to head to the farthest one first and work our way
back when the first stand caught our eye with the sign Terriers, Dachshunds,
and Chihuahuas.
As we piled
out of the car, the children could not contain their excitement. Mostly because they couldn’t believe we were
actually stopping!! We approached the
cages and wouldn’t you know they had one dachshund...female and miniature. She stole our hearts with her apricot
coloring and hazel eyes. The children
were ecstatic as comments such as, “This is what we have been looking for! She is perfect! She’s so cute!” “We could name her Delilah.” and
on and on. The price was stated and
Scott did not even try to negotiate after everything the children were
saying. But then again, the price was
half of what we had been seeing on the Internet and other places so God was
even answering our prayers regarding the price of the puppy.
We can't believe we finally have a puppy! |
Into the
car with the new little member, the phone calls began.
Grandparents and cousins HAD to be notified
as each of the children took their turn holding her.
Even the passengers in the front seat took
their turn!
Arriving at the house,
Delilah met her new older sister of almost 14 years, Ms. Maddy, our part
American Eskimo/Spitz.
Having been an
only dog for the duration of all of our children’s lives and never really
caring for any dog that was around, Maddy did not take to kindly to this new,
small, active ball of fun.
Delilah tried everything she could to get Maddy to play, but failed time after
However, over the weeks ahead
Delilah would slowly wear Maddy down to the point she could not help but give
in just a little.
Delilah and Maddy after playing |
After the first day, the name
Delilah stuck. We teased that she had
tricked us into buying her with her good looks, but the reality was she truly
was the cutest and sweetest puppy. The
kids adored her. Picking up the responsibility
of house training, the kids gave little argument over having to clean up after her,
as it was part of the agreement in getting a puppy from the beginning. Delilah loved people and wanted to be right
in the middle of the action. In fact
after just three days of having her she was accidently stepped on and could not
place any weight at all on her right shoulder.
After x-rays we thought for sure she had a broken or fractured shoulder. Many prayers went up that night for little
Delilah. The next morning Scott and I
woke to Nathan and Peter’s voice outside our window “Good girl, Delilah.” As I peeked out the blinds, there she was
running around chasing them. God had answered
our prayers again with this little dog.
Delilah with her first dove. |
The weeks went by and Delilah followed
the kids everywhere.
She spent
alternating nights between the kids beds and took road trips with the family
across Texas.
She saw Granny, the Bonham
aunts, uncles, and cousins, the Weatherford family, and of course the Tomball
family and friends.
She was the center
of attention everywhere she went including the rest stops on the Texas
At home she spent her time
searching and chasing after stuffed animals; her favorites being Peter’s monkey
pillow pet, Dawson’s old rhino Webkinz, Peter’s red kindergarten graduation
bear, and my feather duster.
On any
given day she traipsed through the house at full spend to the back bedroom only
to return again to the living room with her prize possession fill our
She was a smart little dog and when
you hid one of her favorite toys it was not long before she found it and would
go to any extent to get it back.
Traveling around Texas |
Enjoying the view |
Unconsciously, the Zbylot hearts
were drawn into a love for this little puppy that would only be revealed
through a tragic event on Sunday, October 7th. Having just arrived home from Scott speaking
at a men’s retreat that weekend, we walked into the house and were greeted by
our children and of course Delilah. Her
uncontrollable desire to give you kisses on the face and the excitement she showed
as you held her had been missed. Later that afternoon at 4:30 the phone rang. My mother-in-law’s alarmed voice spoke,
“Delilah’s been hit by a car.” The only
thing I could say was “No!” “Yes,” was
her reply. “No!” I said again. “Yes, you need to come over here.” I hung up and ran to the front yard where
Scott, Hannah, Dawson, and Peter were playing basketball. I shouted, “Delilah’s been hit by a car. We need to go to your mom’s.” I ran back through the house out the back
door as the four of them headed around the front to the main street. I met them in the front of my in-laws house
as the driver and passenger were leaving.
Nathan and my father-in-law were in the front. The tears came. We were all in such shock as just 6 weeks
and one day after she joined our family she was gone.
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