Question: What do storms, chickens, wood chips, and tree
trucks have in common?
Answer: We are weak!!
Tuesday Afternoon:
Busy on the back porch planting peppers, herbs, and peas into egg cartons, Peter
came scurrying in from gathering eggs extremely disturbed. With tears beginning to form in his eyes, he
mumbled something about the chickens being locked out, trapped, and stuck. Seeing his demeanor was not typical for him, this
mother dropped what she was doing and quickly headed to the chicken coop with
him. Approaching the chicken coop, my
eyes fell on three chickens stacked one
on top of another within a small 4 ½ to 5 in gap between our side fence and the
That was my first conclusion. Trying not to express to Peter my first thoughts of death despite him already thinking they were, I paused and waited to see if I could see any sign of life from the chickens. Yes. At least one was breathing. Quickly I moved into the pen. Reaching one arm into the gap, I tried to grasp the top chicken and pull her out. Drenched because of the rain from the morning and not much wiggle room, it was a slightly difficult job. With perseverance, the first chicken became free. Next, the second one was rescued in the same manner. The chicken on bottom was none other than our Goldie. She is a Buff Orpington and bigger than all our other chickens and has a pretty fluffy coat. Since she was on bottom and is larger than the others, it was a little more difficult to retrieve her. She was wedged in pretty good. However, I was eventually able to set her free.
Thursday Afternoon:
Our family is taking a different approach to gardening this spring after
watching a film called Back to Eden (highly recommended). In order to implement this we must acquire
wood chips. This is not necessarily a
hard thing to do since most tree trimming companies give their wood chips away
for free. They are always looking for a
place to dump them close to where they are working so they do not have to waste
their own time and money traveling to the landfill. We already had a huge truck dump last
Thursday and still needed 2-3 more loads.
Wednesday night we saw a smaller tree trimming truck enter our
neighborhood and Scott hopped in the car and “went after it”. He gave them instructions and Thursday morning
they showed up on our door to confirm.
When they came back in an hour, I went outside to help guide them as
they backed into our backyard.
Everything was going smoothly until the truck, just 15 feet from the spot
we wanted to have the first load dumped,
I have tried to be more conscience when unusual or uncommon
things happen around our house as to what it is God might want to show me
through them. He did not fail me this
week. As I walked back to the house with
Peter on Tuesday afternoon God reminded me of how much we need Him. The chickens went to bed on Monday night just
like they always do and woke up on Tuesday expecting to do the same thing they
always do. But what they didn’t expect
was a storm to come and blow their door shut to their coop preventing them access
to shelter. When they discovered they
could not get into the coop, they ran to the only spot they could find. Trampling each other they tore out each others
feathers and got stuck.
After the truck left on Thursday I went back out to examine
the damage. I never dreamed the ground
was not strong enough to stand up under the weight of the truck. From the outside it looked as if it could
withstand anything.
This week we experienced two totally separate events, but
God impressed one lesson on my heart.
We are weak!!
We need Jesus to
rescue us and lift us up when we are stuck.
My Heart’s Prayer: “LORD, I seek refuge in You; let me never
be disgraced. Save me by Your
righteousness. Listen closely to me;
rescue me quickly. Be a rock of refuge
for me, a mountain fortress to save me.
For You are my rock and my fortress; You lead and guide me because of Your
name. You will free me from the net that
is secretly set for me, for You are my refuge.
Into Your hand I entrust my spirit; You redeem me, LORD, God of truth”
Psalm 31:1-5. Lord, help me not wait
until storms come to seek after You.
Help me not pretend to have everything under control, but to rely on
your strength to sustain me. You are my
God and I rest in you. In Jesus Name,
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