Thinking I pack his lunch in the mornings, Scott came home
yesterday from work and asked me, “What happened this morning?”
“What do you mean?” was my honest reply.
“I mean, I went to open my lunch and all that was in it was
an orange, chips, and some cookies.
“I looked again to see if I had missed something. I scratched my head and thought maybe I had
already put something in the microwave to heat up, but nope. That was all I had.”
Now bursting out in laughter, I asked, “There wasn’t a
sandwich in your lunch?”
Not being able to control myself, I kept laughing and
telling him I could have sworn I made him a sandwich. I always try to make his lunch the night
before because while I am considered a morning person I truly am only awake
enough in the morning to pull his lunch box out of the refrigerator and make my
tea. After I have had a cup of tea and
done some reading then I am ready to go.
So as I was thinking back to what I possibly could have done it hit me…I
had indeed not made him a sandwich because we had run out of lunch meat. I had intended on picking some up from the
store that evening when we were in town, but forgot. Thus, Scott found himself at his lunchroom
table asking himself, “Where’s the Beef?”
I know you think this extremely humorous!!! But Scott did survive the day with his meager
orange, chips, and cookies that did not miraculously get multiplied to share
with the lunch room. We did buy lunch
meat last night. I did make and pack his
lunch so he has a sandwich today!! And while
my mind seems to be leaving me quicker each day I get older, the Lord was
gracious to me in giving me this silly situation an illustration for our
spiritual lives.
The Lord reminded me that we too are running around with no
beef in our lives. We wake up in the
mornings and hit the floor running. We
grab our children, keys, and laptops and run out the door. We may listen to Christian music on the radio
and say a prayer while dropping the kids off at school or while stuck in
traffic, but the real meat is missing from our lives. How are we expected to be a living witness to
those around us when they look at us and ask the question, “Where’s the beef?” What makes you so different?”
When we don’t take the time out of our day to really meet
with God and chew on His word the Bible and allow the meat of His word to
digest in our lives, then our lives do not have the proper spiritual nutrients
it needs to sustain us through the day. God’s word is a lamp for our feet and a light
for our path (Psalm 119:105). Not taking
the time to meditate on God’s word leaves us fluffy and appealing on the
outside, but the inside is hollow and empty.
Consider reading all of Psalm 119 throughout the day today. Meditate on God’s word and allow His meat to
digest within you. For those on the go,
check out: as an
excellent way to chew on God’s word any time and any place.
My Heart’s Prayer:
Lord, help me to not forsake the beef today. Help me to chew and meditate on the most
important thing that will have an impact not only for me personally but for my
family and those around me. Give me a
craving for reading Your word. In Jesus
Name, Amen.
Special Announcement: today is the National Day of Prayer. For those who are in the Tomball Area, please join us this evening as we pray for our nation, communities, and families.
Tomball Prayer Rally for National Day of Prayer
A time or worship through prayer and song to pray for our nation and community.
Thu, May 3, 7:00pm – 8:30pm GMT-05:00 |
Quinn Rd. and Village Square Dr., Tomball, TX 77375 |
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