Today we enter into John’s account of the last days of Jesus
on earth. John’s account does not have any events that
correspond with the other gospels and is quite short. However, John spends much more time on the details
regarding Jesus’ last hours with His disciples.
May we take a few minutes this morning to examine the words from John’s
gospel in relation to the week leading up to Jesus’ Last Supper.
When Jesus was being questioned by the spies, Jesus’ response
is as follows: “But detecting their craftiness, He said to them…” (Luke 20:23). Jesus was on His game and could recognize
what they were trying to do. As mother’s
we can usually tell what our children are up to by the smirk or deviousness
shown on their faces. We should be able
to recognize the craftiness of Satan in our lives as well.
Because of Jesus’ wisdom and discernment in how He responded
on more than one occasion, the result was silence: “…and being amazed at His
answer, they became silent…and they no longer dared to ask Him anything” (Luke
20:26, 40).
Thinking about these things and then reading today’s
account, it all made sense. Jesus
Himself tells the people how He is able to speak in such a wise and discerning
“I have not spoken on My own, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a command as to what I should say and what I should speak. I know that His command is eternal life. So the things that I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me” (John 12:49-50).
Did you hear that?
Jesus spoke as God told Him. Do I
speak as God tells me? Not all the time,
but I can take comfort in the last words that stirred me in my reading of Luke
yesterday, “for I will give you such words and a wisdom that none of your
adversaries will be able to resist or contradict” (Luke 21:15).
Wow!! God will give
me the words to say when those around me are trying to trick me, when those
around me are discrediting the validity of my belief in God, and when I am
sharing the gospel message with those who are willing to hear!
Today we must not only take time to read John’s account of
Passion Week, but we must also turn our hearts towards Jesus’ Last Supper. This Last Supper was performed in the usual
Jewish tradition, but made complete as Jesus taught the disciples the full
meaning of the ceremony. While many of
us will continue on with our daily activities today, those who choose to reflect
back over 2000 years ago to Jesus’ last night on earth as the Son of God in the
flesh, will find new meaning into the sacrifice Jesus paid in order for us to
live with Him forever. The events
leading up to Good Friday should not be taken lightly as we prepare our hearts
for the resurrection of our Lord. Beginning
with Jesus’ last Passover and moving into the late hours of the night, we see
Jesus’ heart of love for the world He came to save. Join me as we enter into the life of Jesus
His last hours. Take comfort in the
words He leaves with His disciples, for they too are the words He has left for
us as we prepare for the silence that will follow the next two days.
My Heart’s Prayer: Thank
you Lord Jesus for your presence. Fill
my mouth with your words. Prepare my
heart today as I reflect on the agony you must have felt in your last hours
here. The compassion you had for the
world that was lost and unwilling to accept you. Forgive me for putting You through that agony
and torture. Be glorified through me
today and help me to stay awake and pray continually for those around me. In Jesus name, Amen.
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