(I deeply apologize for having incorrect links to the last
five passages of Mark in yesterday’s blog, Passion Week in the Gospel of Mark. They
have been corrected.)
Just two days left on our journey before our Lord celebrates
the Passover meal with His disciples. Tomorrow
night, Jesus will sit amongst his beloved disciples and eat His last supper
with them. Today’s reading brings us to
the gospel of Luke. The reader will find
not find any new material within the pages, but will find the same scenes recorded
in the gospels of Matthew and Mark worded from the vantage point of Luke’s
Often times it is easier just to read someone’s
thoughts instead of reading the Bible in thoughtful prayer and seeking what God
wants to reveal to you. So today I would
like you to read for yourself the account in Luke instead of reading the
accounts and my reflections. After all
this is your heart you are preparing and not mine. As
I did yesterday, I have posted all the accounts recorded in Matthew and Mark
that correspond to the ones in Luke. There
are only three accounts not found in Luke that are found in Matthew and Mark: Primary Commandments (Mark 12:28-34; Matthew
22:34-40); Question about the Messiah (Mark 12:35-37; Matthew
22:41-46) and Persecutions Predicted (Mark 13:9-13; Matthew
Please do
not let the familiarity of the scriptures take away from the Holy Spirit being
able to reveal new truths to your heart.
We can read the Bible over and over again and still not know it all. May we not take the same attitude of the
scribes and Pharisees who thought themselves to be more righteous than others
because of their knowledge of the word.
For it is not knowledge Christ wants us to have, but a closer
relationship with Him that only comes through spending time in His word and in
prayer. May your time with Him today be
sweet! “Taste and see that the LORD is
good (Psalm 34:8)!!
Cleansing the Temple Complex (Luke19:45-48; Mark 11:15-19; Matthew
Messiah’s Authority challenged (Luke20:1-8; Mark 11:27-33; Matthew
Parable of the Vineyard Owner (Luke20:9-19; Mark 12:1-12; Matthew
God and Caesar (Luke 20:20-26; Mark 12:13-17; Matthew
Sadducees and the Resurrection (Luke20:27-44; Mark 12:18-27; Matthew
Warning against the scribes (Luke20:45-47; Mark 12:38-40; Matthew
23:5-7, 14)
Widow’s Gift (Luke 21:1-4; Mark12:41-44)
Destruction of the Temple Predicted
(Luke 21:5-6; Mark 13:1-2; Matthew
Signs of the End of the Age (Luke21:7-19; Mark 13:3-8; Matthew
The Great Tribulation (Luke21:20-24; Mark 13:14-23; Matthew
The Coming of the Son of Man (Luke21:25-28; Mark 13:24-27; Matthew
The Parable of the Fig Tree (Luke21:29-33; Mark 13:28-31; Matthew
No One Knows the Day or Hour (Luke21:34-38; Mark 13:32-37; Matthew
My Heart’s Prayer: Lord, help me to taste your glory today as I leave Your presence in the Lord. My your presence be on my lips, in my hands, through my eyes and in my feet as I enter this day you have given me. Help my heart to beat as your heart beats. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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